Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Post ICT syndrome

No motivation to practise... Very tired...

2 of my favourite yo-yo player

Shinji Saito - a super technical 2A player... amazing control of the yo-yo... nobody can beat him!!!
Rei Iwakura - a very creative/original + excellence showmanship 4A player.. watching his freestyle makes me feel like I'm watching ryo yabe's diabolo freestyle.. very high tension level.. he is gonna bring yo-yo to another level, as in the performance level... i've never really watch before a yo-yo performance that have such a high tension level... really inspired by him..

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Back to the yo-yo

Saw kota's freestyle today and I got inspired to train my single A!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Naoko on MV

Naoko is the girl that juggles 3 clubs in the MV

Very nice costume